Please read this carefully.
Hall Farm Cottages
Terms and Conditions of Hire
When you book your holiday with us you are entering into a contract which binds you and us in various ways.
You’ll see we have clearly set out the booking conditions with a list of responsibilities and
commitments we and you have towards each other.
1. Terms. All terms are per week (Saturday to Saturday) for the Cottage as equipped and described in our brochure/website. Short breaks, when available, are charged at 75% of the weekly rate. For Short Breaks that cover two price periods, the week in which the greater number of nights are taken applies. Where an equal number of nights are taken in two different price periods. the average of the two weekly prices applies. The usual time of take-over is 4 pm (subject to unavoidable delays). You must leave your Cottage by 10 am on your day of departure. You are obliged to leave everything in a clean and tidy condition. You are responsible for any damage done or loss sustained during your stay (See Clause 9)
We reserve the right to correct errors in both advertised and confirmed prices.
We will do so as soon as we become aware of the error.
2. Booking Confirmation. Our verbal or telephone agreement shall constitute an Offer by Ourselves and a Contract shall come into existence if and when we issue a hire invoice and booking confirmation. The contract shall be deemed to have been made at our office in Horning and be subject to English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. In all cases, these Conditions of Hire shall form the basis of your contract with us.
Changes by You; Once a booking has been confirmed by us to you, should you require us to amend it or to re-invoice you for any reason (including, for example, accidental loss of the original invoice) then a fee of £20.00 will be charged. Up to 8 weeks before the holiday start date you may change your Cottage to another one within our park, subject to availability and payment of the above fee. You may transfer your booking to someone else/another party (introduced by you) at any time providing you pay the administration fee of £20.00.
3. The number in your party. It is a condition of your booking that the total number in your party shall not exceed the capacity of the Cottage as advertised in our brochure. Babies under 2 may or may not be counted as members of your party.
4. Booking Monies. When you book you must pay a 25% deposit on your Cottage within 7 days of receipt of your invoice. For bookings from overseas, we require 50% of the hire charge as a deposit on your Cottage.
Your Balance-of-Hire-Money is due and payable by the date printed on your Hire Invoice (8 weeks before your holiday start date). For bookings made within 8 weeks of your holiday start date, you pay the full monies when you make your booking. Where you have elected for us to take your balance of payment from your Debit or Credit Card on the due date, we will endeavour to inform you by e-mail (to the address supplied by yourself) 7 days prior to withdrawal but cannot be held responsible should the notification fail to reach you, or for any additional charges incurred by yourselves.
We reserve the right to charge administration costs and interest on late payments.
We also reserve the right to pass on to you any bank charges and other costs we incur if payment is made in a foreign currency, or by any other method not normally accepted by us; or if we have to re-present a cheque or process late payments.
Default in Completion. Should you fail to pay the balance of hire money, and do not notify us that you wish to cancel, or do not arrive for your holiday, you will still be liable for any monies outstanding.
5. Bookings placed before the 18th February 2021 are covered under a different set of Terms and Conditions and are available by emailing if these apply to your booking.
For Bookings placed post 18th February 2021 these new Terms and Conditions apply to cancellations
If your booking has to be cancelled because Hall Farm Cottages is put under Government Restrictions and has to close and the period of closure covers Your booking You will be refunded in full.
In the event that Your given address is put into Local/Regional Lockdown, rendering You unable to travel, and the period of restriction covers your booking You will be refunded in full.
Customer inability (or the inability of any, some or all of Your intended party) or disinclination to travel to and stay at Hall Farm Cottages for any reason. This includes – but is not limited to – illness (including Covid), a requirement or recommendation to self-isolate or quarantine, shielding, a call to jury duty, military service, incarceration, change in personal or work circumstances, family emergencies, travel delays, vehicle breakdown, and delays with public transport. These remain at Your risk and do not give rise to a right to cancel or to receive a refund unless We re-let the property. You are strongly recommended to take out UK travel insurance to cover these eventualities. If you choose not to take out UK travel insurance, then you accept responsibility for any loss that you may incur due to your cancellation.
If you have to cancel your holiday cancellations must be notified by phone and email and once received in writing we will confirm the cancellation request. Your cancellation is effective from the date we receive your written notification. Your cancellation will be acknowledged by us in writing. We will then endeavour to re-let for you.
If you cancel, you are still liable for the payment of your balance-of-hire money. We will endeavour to re-let your holiday. If we are able to do so before you pay your balance of hire money, you will lose your booking deposit only. If we are able to re-let after you have paid your balance of hire money, we will refund the whole or part of that money up to a maximum of the hire charges we receive on re-letting. You are strongly recommended to take out insurance for your holiday.
6. Minors. We cannot accept bookings from anyone under 18 years of age.
7. Linen and Towels. Bed linen is provided, and your beds are made up for your arrival, with duvets and sheets. Towels are not provided as part of your hire charge,(unless you are arriving from outside the U.K or B&B), but can be supplied at a small extra cost.
8. Availability. Your booking is accepted on the understanding that your confirmed Cottage will be available for your use on the agreed date. Very occasionally; ‘‘force majeure” does not make this possible. Where “force majeure” (as defined in clause 12) arises, we have the right to cancel your booking. In this event, we will endeavour to offer you an alternative Cottage, if available. If we cannot do so or if you do not wish to accept the alternative we offer we will refund all monies you have paid to us in full. Where any cancellation or change results from ‘’force majeure” as defined in clause 12, our liabilities are limited to offering you an alternative Cottage (where available) or full refund as set out above. We regret we cannot pay any compensation or meet any expenses or costs you may incur as a result of any such cancellation or change. We reserve the right to alter or withdraw amenities or facilities which have either been advertised or previously available without prior notice. We have the right to refuse to hand over accommodation to any person(s) who in our reasonable opinion is not suitable to take charge of it. In such cases, all hire charges paid will be refunded in full and the Contract shall be terminated, and we will have no further liability. We reserve the right to request a security deposit at the time of the takeover of the accommodation should we deem this to be necessary.
If in our opinion, any person(s) is not suitable to continue the holiday because of unreasonable behaviour, damage to property or danger or annoyance to other holidaymakers the Contract may be terminated. In this event, the owner will have no further liability. The hirer shall also remain liable to pay the hire price and no refund shall be due.
9. Damage to Accommodation: The hirer shall also be liable for any damage caused in the accommodation during the period of hire, and any additional expenses incurred associated with cleaning, repair or replacement as a result of such damage.
All of our cottages are designated as non-smoking. This means that smoking is strictly prohibited in every room. If you are observed smoking you will be asked to leave immediately and without a refund. In these circumstances, or should it be apparent to us at the end of your stay, that smoking has taken place inside your cottage, you will be required to pay for specialist cleaning and to pay for the cost of the cottage until it is fit to let as a non-smoking environment. We have the right to enter any accommodation (without prior notice if this is not practical or possible) if special circumstances or emergencies arise. (for example, if repairs need to be carried out). We reserve the right to charge the cost of any damage caused etc. from the payment card associated with your booking. A full breakdown of these charges will be supplied to the address detailed on your booking.
10. Single-sex/Group/Party Bookings. The accommodation is provided primarily for families and private individuals. Organisers or leaders of other groups/parties, or those booking the accommodation in a professional capacity must inform us, at the time of booking, so that the suitability of the accommodation, and the possible effect their group may have on other holidaymakers, can be considered. We reserve the right not to accept bookings from groups or individuals we consider unsuitable for the accommodation, or who may, in our opinion, disturb other holidaymakers.
11. Wheelchair/Disabled Persons. All of our cottages have a downstairs bedroom with en-suite roll-in toilet and shower room and are suitable for accompanied disabled persons. However to ensure that visitors’ particular requirements are met to the best of our ability it is essential that those with disabled /special needs persons in their party should fully inform us of their circumstances at the time of booking.
12. Force Majeure. We regret we cannot accept responsibility or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contract with you is prevented or affected by reason of circumstances which amount to “force majeure”. Circumstances amounting to “force majeure’ include any event which we could not, even with all due care foresee or avoid. Such circumstances include the destruction or damage of your Cottage (which cannot reasonably be remedied to a satisfactory standard before the start of your holiday); through fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage or any similar event. Such circumstances also include riots or civil strife, industrial action, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions, war or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity and all similar situations beyond our control.
13. Your Pet. You may bring your dog with you to all cottages. No dogs in the Bell Tents. A charge is made for this facility (see tariff for charges). For Short Breaks, dogs are charged at 66% of the weekly price. There is no charge for guide dogs or hearing dogs. You must tell us that you are bringing your dog when you make your booking. You must bring your own basket with you as dogs are allowed on the clear understanding that in no circumstances may they lie on the bedding or furniture. Animals other than dogs can only be accepted with specific permission from ourselves at the time of booking. When you exercise your dog it must be on a lead and in the charge of a responsible adult. Your dog must never be left unattended anywhere in your cottage or on site, other than in the kennels specifically provided for this purpose.
In the interest of visitors’ safety and following recent government legislation, we are sorry we are unable to accept the following types of dog: American Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Fila Brasileiro and Dogo Argentino even where these types of dog are muzzled as required by government legislation.
14. Your Vehicles. Your vehicles and their accessories and contents are left entirely at your risk. We will not be responsible for any loss from or damage to any vehicle from any cause whatsoever, other than the negligence of ourselves or our employees.
15. Liability. We cannot accept liability for any damage, expense, injury, death, or loss of any nature whatsoever suffered by any person(s) from any cause whatsoever other than the proven negligence of ourselves or our employees. This clause does not attempt to exclude negligence or breach of statutory duty.
16. Any Shortcomings. You must notify us immediately of any shortcomings with your Cottage, so that remedial action, if appropriate, can be taken. We cannot accept any liability in relation to any shortcomings or claims of whatever nature if you fail to notify us of any complaint or claim during your holiday and confirm this in writing to us within 14 days of the end of your holiday.
17.Outstanding Monies. In the event of any account not being paid in full, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, you will be liable for all and any charges whatsoever incurred in the recovery of these monies. Default on payment will be reported to the appropriate credit rating authority and other appropriate agencies, which may prejudice your ability to hire accommodation elsewhere.
18. Data Protection. You consent to the computer storage and processing of your personal data by us in connection with your booking, and to the use of this data solely within the company for statistical analysis and marketing purposes. We assure you that we will not pass any of your personal data onto third parties for marketing or any other purposes. However, should it be necessary, we reserve the right to disclose any relevant information to third parties in order to assist in recovery procedures should you breach any of our Terms and Conditions.
Use of Bell Tents
We are not able to accept dogs in our bell tents
BEHAVIOUR The use of foul language, threatening behaviour, trespassing or vandalism will not be tolerated at any time on or near our campsites. Any offence of this nature will result in all members of the party being required to leave immediately. No refund will be given. PLEASE BE QUIET AFTER 10PM AND BEFORE 7AM.
No cooking or use of gas appliances of any kind should be used inside the Company’s tents. The Hirer is responsible for any damage and loss caused to the equipment regardless of culpability, and the Hirer will be liable for all costs associated with this damage.
The Hirer must be satisfied with the equipment before use and should notify the Company of any miscounts or unacceptable equipment before use.
Barbeque equipment or open fires outside are to be placed a minimum of eight feet from the tent, and not left unattended whilst in use. Barbecues must remain on the slabs. Once your holiday is over, please leave the tent, as you found it. This includes removing all rubbish, inside and outside of the tents. Untie anything that has been attached inside & outside of the tent. Wash up everything that is included in your package and leave tidy where you found it. Zip up any windows and doors.
Friends and family are only allowed on-site via written permission from you and only once we have authorised it.
Adults sleep soundly on a standard double bed, kiddies snuggle down on camp beds, and all beds are made up with quilts and pillows.
Lighting (solar and battery)
We provide you with mugs, plates and cutlery for all four plus pots and pans, washing up bowl and washing up liquid
Copyright Hall Farm Cottages – 04/01/2023
(Hall Farm Cottages is the Trading Name of Cottage Maintenance Limited
Registered in England: Company Number 06000012 )