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That little get away! | Holiday Cottages Norfolk

  • Hall Farm
  • Blog

How is 2016 shaping up for you so far? Look, I know it’s still only February, but I understand just how tiring the hustle and bustle of a busy social and working life can be. You don’t want to feel burnt out a couple months into the new year, so perhaps it’s time to plan a little get away. We here at Hall Farm Cottages may just have the solution for you in the form of our holiday cottages, so if you haven’t thought about hiring holiday cottages Norfolk wide before now – perhaps you should!

That little get away may just be what you need in order to recharge your batteries, and our Holiday cottages Norfolk offer a relaxing and homely environment just right for a little bit of rest and relaxation. Situated in the picturesque Norfolk Broads, our holiday cottages Norfolk are on the door step of two neighbouring villages.

Horning Village, located right next to the River Bure, is great for those who enjoy visiting a nice country pub or two, most of which are open all day through during the holiday season. There are also a host of shops selling local and organic produce for those of us who enjoy sampling luxurious foods and drink from the very freshest sources.

Ludham Village also offers a number of amenities, including a favourite pub of ours, The Kings Arms, which boasts an extensive menu perfect for a nice meal out. You really would be sorry to miss out on their scrumptious meals! For those who prefer to create their own culinary masterpieces, however, you need to get yourselves over to the local butchers.

If it’s time for that little get away, make sure that you get in touch with us today. Visit our website for more information on our holiday cottages Norfolk.

Hall Farm

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