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April activities from your Holiday Cottage Norfolk style

Hello to all of our readers, the sun is shining and the Kids are off school again, it only seems like 5 minutes ago i was updating our news,  mentioning the kids were on holiday. Perhaps i should have been a teacher.

We have lots of Norfolk Holiday news for you, the museums of the broads is running again over in Stalham, (approx 10 minute drive from Hall Farm Cottages) with boat trips available and plenty happening for the children too. Please visit for more information.

On the 16th April is The East Anglian Game & Country Fair, based at the Norfolk Show Ground on the outskirts of Norwich,  this is an annual two day family event, well worth a visit for both adults and children alike.

The 21st April Bacton Woods brings you and Easter egg trail (Eggs Of Nature) from 10.15am to 12.30pm or 1pm – 3pm. Learn about eggs in nature from birds, insects plants and more. The children can enjoy face painting stories and a free chocolate egg. Cost £3 per child, Under 3’s £1. Just down the road at Bewilderwood adventure play ground there is plenty of exciting action happening over the Easter break, you can find out more at

I nearly forgot there is a Royal Wedding happening on the 29th April, with another Bank Holiday bestowed upon us, what better way to celebrate the most anticipated Royal Wedding in decades, than in the comfort of your self catering  Holiday Cottage Norfolk hand made and styled?  We are getting very busy so please contact us ASAP to avoid disappointment.

The local pub called the Dog Inn based in Ludham, a short trip from our holiday cottages,  has a band playing called Hard Rain on 30th April, feel free to join the band from 8.30pm, the Dog Inn is child friendly and of course do friendly and is a 5 minute walk from Ludham Bridge.

You can hire a boat from Ludham bridge during your stay at and we can get you a discount too.

I will update you with more local information and you can check our local information page on the website too.

Happy Holidaying and long may the weather continue!

Hall Farm

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